I’ve been slowly but steadily getting my reading habit back and have been amassing books to read during the next few weeks. I thought I’d share my current reading list for those interested, and take the chance to ask you what you’re reading right now - as one can never have too many books lined up.
Glimmer, that I referred to in the last post
on Design Research, is a great book by Warren Berger on research, process, inspiration and design as a potential solution for the world’s pressing problems. It covers this material with perspectives from designers such as Bruce Mau and Yves Behar, which makes for an interesting read.
Design As Art, by Bruno Munari, is an inspiring voyage into design as a whole and as an art (as the name would imply). I’ve refered to this book in particular in a recent post. It’s worth the purchase for the feel of a well bound Penguin Book alone. And then there’s the content, but it being a Bruno Munari book you know you’re covered.
I got Change by Design by Tim Brown in the mail last week and I can’t tell you how excited I was - I had been waiting for the book to be released for quite a while now. Change by Design is a book on innovation and design thinking. Haven’t gone through it yet, but it is definitely next on the list.
I’m also reading A Week At The Airport by Alain de Botton, that I’ve heard about (if I recall correctly - apologies for the uncertainty) from a post by Dan Hill over at City of Sound. It is a book that tells the experience Alain went through as Writer in Residence for a week at the Heathrow Airport in London.
There’s a bunch more books either in the queue or that I’ve just finished but in order to stop myself from boring you to death with this post, I’ll just briefly list some of their titles:*Free, by Chris Anderson
*In the Bubble, by John Thackara
*Shaping Things, by Bruce Sterling (which came in the mail today)
*Everyware, by Adam Greenfield (re-reading, waiting for his new book)
*Tribes, by Seth Godin
*SuperFreakonomics, by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner
Curiously all the books I mentioned are hard copies, and while I have a Kindle I seem to have never really picked up on the habit of substituting real books by their digital counterparts. However, the fact that the Kindle now supports native PDF reading is making me use it more often for papers and smaller publication reading. The Kindle DX, however, might make me want to leave more books at home when I travel.
What have you been reading? Anything I should be picking up?