Mon Feb 08 2010

The gift of knowledge

I was just setting up an Audible account in order to stock up for a trip to Tokyo this week, and a short story came to mind that I’ve decided to share with you guys: I remember a few years ago we were working on something for Sequoia Capital (who most consider the best VC fund in the world), and I got an email from their office with an iTunes Gift Certificate to use on whatever I’d like. I remember exactly what I spent that gift certificate on: knowledge.

The entire credit was used to purchase audiobooks on topics like business, innovation, neuroscience and design. It was one of my best shopping decisions ever. Those books went on to give me new ideas for products, services and inspired me to find out better ways to serve clients (like Sequoia themselves). It was like a gift that kept on giving, and since I have been paying it forward by giving others similar presents. When wondering what to give someone else, try giving them the opportunity to enrich themselves intellectually. No doubt in my mind that that is the best gift ever.